Friday, June 22, 2012

My boys (5 of 6): Isaiac

HELLO Isaiac!!! This boy is going to be a heart breaker! On day one, I wanted to scoop him up and bring him home. There is something about Isaiac that is SO amazing! When he smiles, not only does his smile reach wide, his eyes (oh those beautiful eyes) they smile too! I am telling you, if he were the sun, when he smiled, he would light the whole earth at one time! It is the MOST beautiful smile! Okay, I will try to stop talking about this smile, but seriously, take a look at that "snap" how beautiful is my sweet sweet Isaiac??
He REALLY wants to go to school, he enjoys learning and loves math. He hasn't attended school in quite some time, his parents could not afford it and his mother needed help with chores and his younger siblings. Isaiac lives with his mother, father and younger brother. He has 2 older sisters and one older brother who live with in another home, they have the same mom but different dad. Isaiac's dad... well, I can honestly say this was a first for me. When I asked him if his parents worked he said his mother did not, and his father collected money for the toilet. YEP, his job is to collect money from people who need to use the restroom and make sure the "facility" remains locked. I know he is lucky to have this job, but I can't help it people, I am going to say it, you are going to read it and you can not get mad at me, I have kept my humor to a minimum in these posts... that job stinks... literally!
Okay, I tried to lighten the mood before I hit you with this. Isaiac told me that he is afraid of his parents, he said they beat him. I asked him why his mother did this and he said it was because he wouldn't go to buy sugar, he would not tell my why his father beat him. I asked him if he felt they loved him, he said that his mother did, but not his father. I don't know about you, but this breaks my heart, however, I also realize it is a cultural thing. I know that instead of talking to children and teaching them with example, the Zambian parents inflict pain, that is what was done to them and they don't know any better. I broke my heart to see big alligator tears coming out of those beautiful eyes. I just sat there and watched this child cry, and what I wanted to to was tell him that he would never be beat again and that I would keep him safe, but I just watched him cry, and I said a little prayer that I could come home, find a sponsor and maybe his parents would see that he was an investment for the family and they would be kind. I can not stand the thought of any child having to endure a beating from anyone, much less my sweet beautiful Isaiac being beat by the people who created him and brought him in to this world. I weeped with him, I seriously HATE myself for having to leave him knowing what is happening to him.
After he told me about the tough stuff, he told me that he prays at home with is family and every Sunday they attend the Angelican Church (don't know much about this church either, but I can't imagine that any God loving church would agree with beating a child...)
Isaiac wants to be a doctor when he grows up, he went to a clinic to visit his aunt who had maleria and thinks that is what he should study to do so that people will not suffer. Did I tell you Isaiac is 10, he has no idea when he was born, but he knows he is 10 and should be in the fourth grade.
Isaiac wore two different sweaters to camp, one was a fleece, the other was embroidered with two yellow roses and the words "sweet girl". I was glad that the other boys could not read and that no one picked on him. It was providing warmth and he needed that!
My sweet Isaiac is quite, reserved, methodical. He didn't look in my eyes unless I basically forced him to, when he would look at me, I would grin, then big smile until he smiled back!
What to pray for him when I get home:
Pray for the beatings to stop.
Pray that he will go to school and be smart.
Pray that his friends will not steal from him.

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