Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Life in Della's House

It is real, they are in and all is well. Della's House is no longer something dreamed of or a "work in progress" it is real.  The house is precious, filled with all things girl, frills and flowers, pink and smiles, bows and barrettes, dolls and love!

It all happened so fast! In the matter of two hours, girls were moved in, prayed over, shown most of their new things, pictures taken, cupcakes eaten and whoosh, it was over. It all happened so fast!

I am not sure if it was the expectaions I had or the fact that life really does go a mile a minute, but I didn't get to know each of the girls, I didn't get to show them each little thing that was prepared and sent with so much love for their special soul.  It all went so fast! I wanted to be able to walk you through each detail of every minute of pure bliss of what it is like to open a home for 12 girls who have known so much hurt and pain and tell you about the moment I could see in their faces that all was well and they knew a beautiful life was ahead.

Honestly, my perception is quite different. I can tell you, the moment before we showed the girls their new home, I had my hand on one of the little girls chest and I could feel her heart about to beat right out of her chest. The anticipation and nerves were overwhelming, there were 300 children singing, at least 40 Americans standing in watch. It was a lot of pressure! I became so nervous for them, it was so much! I am sure after the dust settles and there is a routine, everything will be fine, they will be comfortable in their own home and life will become normal. If I really think about it, normalcy is what they need, along with a lot of love and  faith.

The girls are precious, they are a sweet and they are appreciative. I know life as they know it will forever be changed and that Della will be watching over them as they grow into amazing ladies.

If/when I get updates from anyone in Zambia about the house or the lives that are being transformed within the walls of Della's House, I will update you.

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